If you are getting a mortgage, you should settle only for the best deal out there in the market. Find out how you can get a good mortgage deal through this article.
Shopping around for the best home loan rate will help you get the best deal that you want. Remember that a mortgage, whatever form it is, whether it is for a home purchase, home equity or refinancing, is highly negotiable and always changing. It is your task to shop around, compare rates and negotiate to save yourself a few hundreds to even thousands of dollars.
Shop around
There are a number of possible lenders waiting to present you their offers - from commercial banks and mortgage companies to thrift institutions and credit unions. These lenders have different rates and offer slightly different kinds of services. The only way to find out what home loan rate each of them has and what type of mortgage they offer is to get in touch with them. Fortunately, you can easily contact them through the Internet.
What important information should you get from these lenders? Of course, your foremost consideration will be the home loan rate they can offer you. You can ask whether their rate is adjustable or fixed, and take note how adjustable rates pose a greater amount of risk. Aside from the rate, make sure you also find out the costs involved in the mortgage as well as the monthly amount you need to pay for. When scouting for a good home loan rate and the best deal, you need to ask information on the same loan amount, loan type and term and compare the accordingly.
Once you have compared various lenders, it is time for you to narrow down your choice into one. Choose your lender based on the information you garnered and contact them for negotiation purposes. Generally, brokers and loan officers are usually allowed some extra compensation when signing in a deal with you. Most of them are fortunately willing to negotiate to give you a much better deal.
You can first have your lender write down all the costs that you will need to pay for your loan at the set home loan rate. Based on this list, you can ask your lender to reduce or even waive some of the fees or agree on a lower rate or fewer points. What you want is to get a good deal, so make sure your lender gets away with it by lowering one fee while raising another. Do not be embarrassed to ask your lender to give you better terms than the original ones you were quoted with. You can even cite some offers which you found elsewhere but had to forego when you chose them.
Getting the best home loan rate and the best deal when taking on a mortgage is one hard work that you need to exert effort on. You need to spend time and think about how you can come up with better terms. However, each minute you spend is potentially worth it. Who knows, you might just get lucky and save on thousands of dollars through a simple haggling procedure.
Author: Alan Lim
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